Need Help With Hemorrhoids? Follow These Tips

By Susan Cadiong

Millions of people are affected by hemorrhoids every year. It is not the most popular topic to discuss, but information is an important part of finding relief. Try some of the practical advice in the article below to treat the painful symptoms of hemorrhoids.

A good way to avoid hemorrhoids from forming is to eat plenty of fiber. Try eating more leafy greens, pastas, oatmeal and whole grain breads. A diet high in fiber will improve bowel motility, which means you're less likely to suffer the kind of strain that can cause hemorrhoids.

One tip to ease hemorrhoid pain is to alternately apply a cold pack and a heat pack. This has the effect of shrinking the hemorrhoid. Keep the ice on the affected area at least ten minutes every day, then follow it up with moist, warm heat for twenty minutes. Cayenne pepper as well can really help to shrink hemorrhoids. It does this by naturally thinning the blood and removing noxious toxins from the blood (toxins are naturally removed through normal toilet processes).

Continuing, if you have hemorrhoids, avoid using hygiene products containing oils, dyes and fragrances. Even short term exposure to products containing these additives can cause pain, itching or swelling of the hemorrhoids.

If you are prone to getting hemorrhoids, then you want to be sure that you are drinking enough water. Hydration will help prevent constipation, and keep your stools soft. Caffeine and alcohol consumption should be limited.

Don't rely on laxatives to relieve your constipation if you suffer from hemorrhoids. The thing about these type of medications is that they are developed to only assist you with one certain type of bowel movement. If you experience issues regularly, it's best to make changes to your diet instead. Overusing laxatives can actually make your stool harder.

If you know why hemorrhoids happen and what they are, it will help you deal with them better. Find out as much as you can about this condition. The gist of it is that some nerve endings become swollen, which makes them painful to deal with.

Most of the time, hemorrhoids are caused by the muscles around your sphincter being worked too hard. If you deal with recurrent hemorrhoids, you should reconsider how your day-to-day activities affect your pain levels.

Reducing hemorrhoid pain could be as simple as losing some weight. Overweight people are more likely to get hemorrhoids. Excessive weight puts pressure on the abdominal area, which also causes pressure in the veins in your rectum.

You should not rely on using laxatives for long periods of time to deal with constipation, especially if you have hemorrhoids. Laxatives are for occasional use, not a long term remedy. Persistent bowel troubles may mean it is time to alter your diet so as to achieve more regularity.

Include plenty of high-fiber foods in your diet. If you increase your fiber intake, your stools will not be as hard. When the stool is soft, having a bowel movement involves less pressure on the tender tissues and helps reduce the pain. You can soften your stool by consuming plenty of fruit and fiber. Also, consider using cayenne pepper (Capsicum annuum). It helps to equalize blood pressure and to remove built-up toxins in the blood that contribute to hemorrhoids.

You can reduce hemorrhoids and its side effects by losing weight. People who are obese are at a higher risk for developing hemorrhoids. The pressure that is on your abdomen from the excess weight and waste can boost pressure on your anal veins. Decrease the pressure with a weight loss program that includes a generous amount of high fiber foods. However, you shouldn't take laxatives on a regular basis to help you lose weight. This type of weight loss plan is unhealthy. Don't take laxatives regularly to treat hemorrhoids, either; see your doctor if hemorrhoids continue to bother you or your stool continues to be too hard.

The information in this article should have given you some ideas about how you can more effectively treat your uncomfortable hemorrhoids. Implement these hints and tips to minimize your risk of developing this condition in the future.

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