The Maximum Benefits Of Soy Protein Shakes For Weight Loss

By Kimberly Bowen

Is a soy protein shake as effective as a whey shake? Many fitness enthusiasts have complained that soy is not as effective compared to whey. However, the results are hardly surprising. Whey shakes is extracted from milk and is more easily absorbed by the body. In fact, there is no need to wait for the digestive system to break down the proteins into amino acids. Whey itself contains BCAAs that can be absorbed by the body instantly. For this reason, you can expect whey to outperform soy protein for weight loss. But wait a minute!

Eating enough protein helps you in melting fat and losing weight fast by supporting your lean tissue. Every pound of lean tissue burns 14 calories per day compared to about three calories burned for each pound of fat per day. So keeping up with staying lean and melting fat helps you burn more calories at rest.

While it's true that there are various sources of proteins, soy, is one of the most affordable and high source of proteins. Considered as a complete source of protein, soy contains the essential nine amino acids the body needs on a daily basis.

Throw 4 to 5 ice cubes into the blender together with a glass of soy milk. Break up the banana into smaller pieces and throw it into the blender as well. If you want additional amino acids, add 1 or 2 eggs to the mix. Blend everything for 2 to 3 minutes. If you have a smaller blender, mix for about 5 minutes. You have a nutritious soy drink waiting for you!

Soy shake drinks help you gain muscle mass by providing a large amount of amino acids, nutrients and energy - all of which are important in building muscle. What the soya does is provide what are called essential amino acids. Essential amino acids are amino acids your body needs, but which the body itself cannot make and so external factors are relied upon.

Here's a fun fact - in one of the world's top soy consumers, Japan, women are only one-third as likely to report symptoms of Menopause as anywhere else in the world! Think about it. One little soy shake every day, and you could avoid those hot flashes, and the other stuff we might not talk about today. (Another fun fact: Its so rare in Japan, there isn't even a Japanese word for "hot-flash").

If you are one of the many people who are interested to know what soy products could offer you, then it's beneficial to read the following quick must-know info; soy helps you increase your energy level thus preventing you feel weakness within the day. Intake of soy related products will help you feel stuffed but energized. The 9 essential nutrients you could get from soy allow your body maintains its balance all day long.

If you desire to shade off extra calories look at the overall mix of carbohydrates, sugars, protein, fiber, and vitamins. Use the shakes to keep you fully nourished while you restrict calories. If your goal is to improve your body through exercise and resistance training choose your soy based on quantity and quality of protein included in the shake. Shakes are a great meal or snack on the go.

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