Reach And Set Fitness And Diet Goals

By Rey Vetangelo

Obesity, or being overweight, is often considered as something of a taboo topic in modern American society. While most are aware of some of the negative effects of being obese, few if any people like having an open and honest discussion about obesity and its detrimental effects on the body because they do not wish to seem insensitive to those who struggle with their weight.

Setting goals to exercise more or eat healthier or both can be one of the most important personal goals an individual can set for themselves.

First, harsh realities of what constitutes being overweight exists, and many thousands of Americans are indeed considered to be overweight even though they themselves may not know it. A person is considered to be overweight, that is to say medically obese, if their weight is twenty percent above the normal weight range of a person of their age, height, and build, which is scientifically calculated as a person's BMI or body mass index.

The goal setting formula, no matter what the end goal is, is similar in appearance and practice. The basic steps for a success when setting and working towards a goal include:

There are many different health risks that persons who are obese are more likely to be susceptible to, and knowing these different risks can help to motivate a person into weight loss, help them understand why they may be contracting these health issues, and help them to become more knowledgeable about what health conditions they may face in the future.

One of the main health issues that those who are obese are more likely to contract than are those who are not obese is cardiovascular issues. The cardiovascular system in the body is primarily responsible for the circulation of oxygenated blood throughout the body and issues with this system can be very detrimental to a person's health.

* Develop a plan of how the goal will be reached. Often this means setting smaller goals that will help you achieve the larger one, e.g., walking three miles a day for two weeks and/or eating more vegetables for a period of time to boost overall health.

Other health issues that those who are obese are more likely to face than those who are of a healthy weight include type 2 diabetes, digestive problems including gallstones and liver problems, respiratory issues like sleep apnea or asthma, and an increased percentage of incurring arthritis. Being obese has also been shown to increase the likelihood of some forms of cancer.

Check out weight loss surgery in Mexico today and see if it will be a good choice for your situation.

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