More About Non GMO Vitamins And Supplements

By Dora Reed

Everyone is keen to live a healthy life. One of the ways to do this is ensure that your diet is good, nutritious and balanced. When this is not possible, people often turn to non GMO vitamins and supplements to enhance their diets. These occur in form of herbs, botanicals and minerals,

Genetically modified organisms (GMO) result from a laboratory process that combines the DNA of several species to create a superior combination that does not occur in nature. People do not know what the effect of such modifications is but generally regard them as harmful. Hence, most people tend to purchase products that are labeled not genetically modified.

Vitamins are important factors to a body that functions optimally. Vitamins include folic acid, ascorbic acid, B6, B1, B12 and Vitamin D. These vitamins are found in a variety of sources from the foods we consume. A well balanced diet is able to provide at least all of them. In some cases however, one needs to supplement.

One of these instances is when the food eaten does not have adequate nutrients and vitamins. Besides, when diagnosed with certain health conditions like inadequate nutrient absorption. This is also true for expectant or breastfeeding women, elderly or women with heavy prolonged menses. The role of supplements is not to diagnose, prevented or cure but to give the body essential nutrients that may be lacking.

Non GMO supplements are extracted from natural foods or synthetically manufactured. For example, manufacturers may extract Vitamin E from beans or maize. Synthetic vitamins may not be as effective as those that are extracted. There are two terms used in describing the amount of a nutrient contained; RDA and DV.

The amount of nutrient recommended for daily intake by a healthy person is known as Recommended Dietary Allowance. Daily value is a term used in labels for food and dietary supplements and suggests the amount of the nutrient provided by the food. RDAs are designed by the board of Food and Nutrition and change depending on gender, age and the physiology.

There are various side effects of supplements. For instance, when taken with certain medications or with an underlying medical condition. Consuming a wrong type or dosage could cause health complications. They can be purchased from the nearest outlet often without prescription. Contents are not checked by any governing body and the information provided on labels can only be verified by the manufacturer.

It is prudent to remember that supplements do not substitute the need of a balanced diet. They should be taken when absolutely necessary. There is no need to take them if the RDA of the nutrient is already adequate in your food. This is because they could be harmful when taken in surplus quantity.

Remember to consult a doctor before taking supplements. They advise on the proper medication and dose and also diagnose if there is an absolute need for them. They are best taken after a meal usually during the day. Never take those that are water soluble on an empty stomach.

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