Why You Need The Soy Protein Shakes For Weight Loss

By Ines Flores

Obesity and overweight has become a problem a worldwide problem. In the U. S alone, up to 61% of the adult population is categorized as overweight or obese. Given that most lifestyle diseases that develops to become chronic starts from these conditions, this is a problem that scientists and health professionals are not taking lightly. A lot of research is directed towards the ways of supplementing the traditional methods like good diet and exercise that have been relied upon over time to tackle the problem. One such research is the use of soy protein shakes for weight loss.

Credible research published supports the finding that consuming soy helps lose weight. This is a plant based product that is low in fat, but very high in high quality protein which helps build lean muscles better than other sources of protein.

Soy is a plant that is rich in proteins. Depending on how it was processed, the body can ingest its shakes very fast and is thus recommended after an intensive training for athletes, weight lifters, and other people involved in intensive exercises. It helps build the lean muscles and is low in fats and carbs.

It has now been confirmed that soy gives the feeling of being full. By consuming the soy protein shakes, the stomach releases a hormone that tells the mind that you are full. This is good for the body. It reduces the hunger cravings. As such, it reduces the chances of snacks in between the main meals and late at night. It all comes down to less intake of carbs and fat.

However, if you are ingesting carbs, the body keeps on storing more instead of burning the fats already stored in the body. As such, consuming a meal low in carbs, but high in protein is a good solution to this problem.

The other significant aspect of this product is that it has "low-glycemic index." It has low fat and carbs contents, which means that it does not trigger rapid increase in blood sugar level after the meal. However, the low-glycemic index means that soy is capable of preventing over secretion of insulin. The result is a stable blood sugar level and stable insulin, all which contributes to less hunger cravings. Fewer calories are also converted into fats.

The three ways in which it works all contributes to one thing. It helps cut down on cravings, and thus helps reduce the consumption of carbs and fats. This means less kilojoules and building of lean muscles as it has high quality proteins. As a result, the body fats end up being burnt, and thus loss of weight is achieved.

The soy protein works perfectly well and is also natural; but it should never be used to replace the essential components of the diet like vegetables and fruits that are important sources of fiber, minerals, vitamins and recommended quantities of carbs. In order to come up with a good formula, it is advisable to consult the personal doctor. However, if you are close by Kernersville, NC, then you are close to the top quality shakes.

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