Use These Tips To Find Fitness Success

By Vito La Fata

Are you trying to get in shape and lose some extra pounds? If so, then you may be ready for some helpful fitness success strategies to help keep you on the path to success. The good news is that there are several things you can change in your life to help you both in your fitness quest and in the other areas of your life.

One of the first things you can do is to try to resist too much distraction in our world filled with distraction! Our phones are ringing, we have emails coming in, texts bombarding us and voice mails to listen to. We are trying to multi-task, but it is not working very well. It is also bad for our health.

Check out this funny, but not so funny fact. A study was done on our ability to multitask and what happens to our brains during it. Conclusion: the IQ of people while they multitask drops 10 IQ points! No wonder people struggle to get things done at work, at home and with their fitness.

But that is not the whole of the interesting research on IQ and multitasking. There was also research done on people who were high. It turns out that when a person is high, they only drop about five points of their IQ! So multitasking is harder on focus than is getting high!

The truth is that multi-tasking simply does not work very. It is smarter to simply focus on one thing before moving on to something else. You actually lose 28% of your productive energy when you try to multi-task too much. Now, to make this relevant to your fitness, let's think about your time spent at the gym. If you are in a workout session, give yourself fully to it and do not try to multi-task while you exercise.

World Class people are minimalists. Successful people chop away at the noise that's distracting them. They can shrug off interruptions that most people don't even realize are stealing from them. They don't need all the TV shows, news channels, magazines, idle chatter and entertainment assailing us at all times. They take 10 minutes out of every 50 minutes of work to freshen up the mind, clear it of clutter and go back in to work with renewed focus.

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