Ways to Treat Adrenal Fatigue with Natural Supplements

By Tammy Buchanan

Adrenal fatigue is a really prevalent syndrome that causes individuals to have difficulty dealing with everyday life. It is primarily caused by high sugar, high fat diets and constant levels of tension. Basically what 90 % of the population in developed countries lives every day! If not treated, it can cause extreme depression, fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is similar to adrenal fatigue as it likewise involves adrenal insufficiency, nevertheless, in CFS, the hypertrophy of the adrenal glands is visible by means of a scan, whereas in adrenal fatigue the glands appear to be of a typical size. The difference in signs is that CFS triggers persistent sore throat and tender lymph nodes whereas adrenal fatigue causes light sensitivity.

Individuals suffering from mild adrenal fatigue will more than most likely just be "coffeeholics", perhaps slow starters in the morning and rather anxious. Normally adrenal fatigue gets even worse over the years if it not treated. Adrenal fatigue is commonly misdiagnosed as anxiety or depression and chemical anti-depressants are prescribed.

On the other hand, it has been found that a healthy lifestyle, consisting of regular, natural, nutritious meals, adequate sleep and regular workouts can do a lot to get the adrenal glands to recover. Also people suffering with this condition must avoid stressful circumstances as much as possible and make changes in their lives so as to minimize situations that prompt stress and anxiety.

When a person is actively doing all they could to help the body ease back into a healthy state, they can rely on a number of natural remedies that can help tremendously:

Firstly, licorice extract is known for "acting like cortisol". Its medical name is Glycyrrhiza glabra and it can be taken for 6 to 8 weeks at twenty five to one hundredmg a day. It substitutes the body's natural cortisol so the adrenal glands can rest and recover their functionality.

Another very important substance is Magnesium. The body uses large quantities of this mineral when it is under anxiety. By taking it in the form of a supplement, you greatly assist the body to deal with stress. Magnesium is typically known as "the anti-stress mineral" and can be bought without a prescription in any drugstore.

Ginseng (Eleuthrococcus senticosus) is generally known for promoting endurance and concentration. This extract nonetheless, has numerous uses and is effectively used for regulating the blood sugar level and boosting the immune system. It is taken by adrenal fatigue patients because it acts as an adaptogen, in other words, it chemically helps the body to cope with fatigue and stress and anxiety.

In this day and age it truly isn't necessary to accept adrenal fatigue as a lifelong invalidating condition. A whole lot could be done to be completely cured within a few months.

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